
for Ladder To A Poem

at Kunstverein Kärnten, Klagenfurt

»l0vetodream« uses the aesthetic transformation of vaporizers as a starting point to explore the political and economic implications of seemingly rational design decisions. The three-part installation features black-mirrored advertising images of popular tools for cannabis consumption. These devices resemble the utilitarian industrial design of early iPods: they are simple to use, monochromatic, and functional. Above all, they appear to intentionally discard and erase associations with a youth culture whose central aesthetic references are rooted in reggae and hip-hop—almost as if they have been cleansed of any ideology. The exhibition venue, the Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, plays a special role in the installation: before the pandemic, the space operated as an alternative club, while during the week, exhibitions with a white-cube aesthetic were held. »l0vetodream« plays with this ambivalence between countercultural symbols and a sleek, seemingly contextless aesthetic.

Product Images, wall-hung aluminium frames, 50x70 cm, digital print

Three black electric vehicle chargers are mounted on a dark wall, each with a small green indicator light.

Closeup: l0vetodream

Three black panels against a white background, each displaying different black objects or tools with minimalist designs.

Installation View: l0vetodream

Minimalist interior with light wooden herringbone floor, white walls, and three black framed artworks on one wall. A small black item is in the corner.

Installation View: l0vetodream